You know how companies love to toot their own horn and brag about their awesome products or services? Well, an animated corporate video is like the perfect way to do that…but without being too in-your-face about it. The best part? Animated videos are super versatile. You can use them for anything from product launches and explainer videos to recruitment promos and internal training. Basically, if you need to convey some info in a digestible, memorable way, animation is your new best friend. Let’s dive into why animated corporate video are a must-have and explore five outstanding examples that can inspire your next project.


Why Use Animated Corporate Video?

Engaging Visuals

Imagine – with animation, you’re not just limited to the real world. You can create wild, wacky worlds that perfectly capture your brand’s personality. They can break down complex concepts into easily digestible segments, making information more accessible and enjoyable.


Simplifying Complex Information

Some topics are just plain confusing – we’re talking mind-numbing, brain-melting levels of complexity. But fear not, my friend, because animated corporate video are here to save the day! These little masterpieces take even the most convoluted concepts and break them down into bite-sized, easy-to-digest visuals.


Cost-Effective Marketing

Think about it: no need to hire actors, rent fancy equipment, or book an entire film crew. With animation, a few skilled artists can whip up something slick and professional from the comfort of their own studio.


Top Trends in Animated Corporate Video for 2024


Corporate videos ain’t your grandad’s boring slideshow anymore! Companies these days are gettin’ real creative and personal with their animated videos.

Gone are the days of cheesy stock footage and generic messages. Now it’s all about making videos that speak directly to your audience and show the human side of your brand. Fun animated characters, relatable stories, humour – that’s where it’s at.


Interactive Elements

Interactive videos are on the rise. Well, times have changed and animated corporate video are where it’s at now. These babies are all about keeping viewers engaged with slick motion graphics, fun characters, and most importantly – interactive elements!



Nowadays, every corporation needs videos that are all about telling engaging stories that keep you hooked till the end. Storytelling remains a powerful tool in video marketing.
Companies have realised that simply listing out their products and services is a total snoozefest. Instead, they’re using animated videos to weave tales that connect with their audience on a deeper level.


Example 1: Tech Innovators

Video Style and Elements

Alright, let’s talk about the video style we’re going for with Tech Innovators corporate animated video. We want to keep things pretty casual and approachable, nothing too stuffy or formal. Think startup vibes, but still professional.


Impact and Results

Corporate explainer videos are like a masterclass in storytelling and production value. The video significantly increased viewer engagement, with a 30% rise in website visits and a 20% increase in lead generation. It also helps in increasing brand awareness, generating more leads, and even boosted sales figures.


Example 2: Green Energy Solutions

Video Style and Elements

When it comes to corporate videos for green energy companies, you want a style that screams “we’re eco-friendly and sustainable!” But how do you get that vibe across on camera? Simply- Just pay attention to colours. Earth tones like greens, browns, and warm oranges and yellows lend a nice natural, outdoorsy aura. But you can also play with splashes of bright, vibrant colours that energise the visuals while still feeling fresh and natural.


Impact and Results

The animated video resulted in a 40% increase in social media shares and a noticeable boost in product inquiries. The engaging and informative content helped position Green Energy Solutions as a thought leader in the industry.


Example 3: Health First Medical

Video Style and Elements

In this case we need to keep things pretty chill and approachable since medical stuff can seem kinda intimidating sometimes. Think lots of smiling faces, comforting colour palettes, and simple but engaging visuals. Nothing too intense or over the top. The main thing is making sure that the video feels authentic and relatable. We want viewers to get the sense that Health First truly cares about their well-being above all else.


Impact and Results

Let’s talk about the sweet results we got for Health First Medical with their corporate video. The video should be instrumental in educating patients, leading to a 50% increase in telehealth appointments. The clear, step-by-step visuals helped demystify the technology, making it more accessible to all patients.


Example 4: Global Finance Group

Video Style and Elements

Corporate finance wants something slick but not too over-the-top. They need to strike that sweet balance of looking professional while still feeling approachable. For the style, Lots of simple graphics, minimalist animations, and pleasing colour palettes. As for the elements, animated text callouts are a must. They’ll catch the eye and help drive home key points.

Impact and Results

The video led to a 25% increase in client inquiries and a 15% rise in new account sign-ups. Clients found the video helpful in understanding complex financial concepts, which built trust and credibility.


Example 5: EduFuture Online Learning

Video Style and Elements

We all know those boring, dry videos can put anyone to sleep. But with the right style and elements, your vids will be so engaging, your viewers won’t be able to look away. Make sure you’re optimising for different devices and screen sizes. Your viewers will be watching everything from smartphones to big-screen TVs, so your videos need to look good no matter where they’re being viewed.


Impact and Results

Website traffic went through the roof after that video launched. The engaging animated video resulted in a 35% increase in website traffic and a 20% boost in course enrollments. The appealing visuals and clear messaging resonated well with prospective students.


How to Create Effective Animated Corporate Video

Define Your Goals

Let’s be real here. An animated corporate video is more than just some fancy visuals. It has a clear purpose and message, ya know? Before you even start thinking about animation styles or graphics, you need to define your goals. Like, what exactly do you want this video to achieve? Are you aiming to educate, entertain, or convert viewers into customers? Defining your goals will guide the content and style of your video.


Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial. Once you’ve nailed down your target audience, you can start thinking about what kind of vibe and messaging will resonate with them. So don’t be lazy! Do your research, put yourself in the audience’s shoes and then let that guide your concept, animation style, and script.


Choose the Right Style

That’s where animated corporate videos come in to save the day! With animation, you can bring your message to life in a fun, engaging way that’ll have your viewers hooked. But choosing the right animation style is key. There are various animation styles to choose from, such as 2D animation, 3D animation, whiteboard animation, and motion graphics. Select a style that aligns with your brand and effectively conveys your message.


Collaborate with Professionals

Working with a professional animation studio or freelancer can ensure high-quality production. They bring expertise in storytelling, design, and animation, helping you create a polished final product.


Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overcomplicating the Message

Make sure you keep your message simple and clear. Stick to one clear, compelling core idea or story. Ditch the jargon and tech speak. Use plain language that anyone can understand. And don’t be afraid of some empty space and breathing room. Overloading your video with too much information can confuse viewers and dilute your core message.


Ignoring Brand Consistency

Your corporate video is like a mini ambassador for your company, so it better be dressed to impress and on-brand. Your animation style, colour palette, typography, and overall vibe should align with your brand’s personality and guidelines. Pretty much having a signature style that people can recognize from a mile away.

Ensure your video aligns with your brand’s visual and tonal guidelines. Consistency helps build brand recognition and trust.


Skipping the Call to Action

A call to action is that little nudge that tells the audience what you want them to do next. Whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or scheduling a consultation, you gotta give them that little push. Without it, your corporate video is like a firework show without the grand finale – just fizzling out without any real impact.